The nearest to such a concept has been provided only by the Holy Qor'an in Sura Ikhlas, Sura No. 112, in AyatuI Kursi and in the last ruku of Sura Hashr , Sura No. 59.

Sura Ikhlas provides four criteria for Godhood. He has to be unique. He was not born, Nor does he give birth to. There is nothing like him in the entire creation. He does not depend on anybody and is completely self-sufficient.

Ayatal Kursi in Sura Baqara, Sura No. 2 Ayah No. 255 postulates:

He is eternally alive. Has been present prior to the creation of the universe and shall be present after the destruction of the universe. Neither dozing off nor slumber overtakes him. The entire creation belongs to him. Who dares to plead with him without his prior permission. He knows the past, the present and the future. Nothing can happen without his knowledge- His seat of power extends all over the heavens and the earth. And he does not tire whilst sustaining this creation. He is sublime and great.

And in the last ruku of Sura Hashr, Ayat Nos. 22 to 24 state:

Allah is that being apart from whom there is no other God. He is aware of both the unseen and the seen. He is the most merciful, most beneficent. Alalh is that being apart from whom there is no other God. The owner, the pure, the peaceful, the believer, the watchful, me kind friend, the strong & the greatest.

Glory be to Allah. Whither those who ascribe partners to Allah. He, Allah is the creator, sustainer the portrayer of forms and appearances. For him   is the most Beautiful names. Everything in these heaven and earth sing his praise and he is Noble and wise.

No other holy scripture other than the Holy Qor'an has been able to provide such sublime passages for the formation of some kind of a specific concept of the creator. Allah Almighty.

Trust I have been able to clear some misconceptions prevailing and to venture providing some of the most well known ayahs which may help forming a satisfactory concept of Allah Almighty according to the Holy Qor'an. Unfortunately Allah Almighty has decided not to grant audience in this world.

His August appearance is only destined for a fortunate few in the hereafter, the after life, the Aakhirah. For in Islam we don't really die but change our form of life on our death. This is a life of tests. The next life is to face the consequences. Allah in Sura Mulk, Sura No. 67 says that. He has created Death and Life to find out who amongst us is best in good deeds" Ayah No. 2

I would have very much liked to have elucidated the concept of After Life, Akhirah in Islam, But for the sake of brevity desist from doing so.


It is surprising that belief in the life after death is present in some form or other in almost all the better known Religions. And it is even more surprising to note that this belief has been relegated to background by all modern day people.

Belief in AL QIYAMAH ( DOOMSDAY) , NASSHR ( RESURRECTION) ,HASHR ( JUDGEMENT) , JANNAH ( HEAVEN) , JAHANNAM (HELL)  seem to be almost identical in the three major Semitic religions namely Judaism , Christianity and Islam . Whilst these major phases of  life after death have their finer subdivisions and sub – phases like BARZKAKH ( SUSTENDED LIFE AFTER DEATH UNTIL DOOMSDAY ) , MEEZAN ( THE BALANCE FOR WEIGHMENT OF DEEDS & MIS DEEDS) , SEERAH ( THE FINAL PASSAGE THROUGH WHICH EVERYBODY WILL HAVE TO REACH HIS FINAL DESTINATION , HIS ETERNAL ABODE) either JANNAH (HEAVEN) or JAHANNAM (HELL).

 The point that is of the most paramount importance is that it has bee observed that those who believe in having to answer for their deeds and misdeeds throughout life time to ALLAH ALMIGHTY after death on the day of judgment seem to of their own accord avoid all kinds of wrongdoing as categorized in THE HOLY QU’RAN even though they are totally illiterate and ignorant in matters of many other branches of knowledge in day to day life.

Compare  this to the activities of the most powerful leaders of the most technologically advanced Nations of the today’s world , who do not bat an eyelid to indulge in resorting to lies in Annihilation of Countless people and their Nations just to Acquire domination over their mineral wealth , and this  too in the name of their own GOD and RELIGION. And this has been possible because they do not truly believe that they will ultimately wave to answer to GOD ALMIGHTY for their deeds & misdeeds after their demise on the day of Judgment.

Marvelous technical innovation has been made possible by dropping religious education from their systems of education but morally and ethically these are the very people who are responsible for almost all the Social Ills of the entire Universe.

To bring back PEACE , TRANQUILITY  and EQUANIMITY world wide it therefore is high time that not only belief in afterlife but proper religious education be brought back into our education systems.  


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